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Premium Product Showcase

Tariff for Premium Products Showcase at Home Page

Advertiser can display there main Products/ Services same at premium product showcase section at homepage of 99electronicsworld.com.
Premium Products will be linked with website with advertiser.
Every One Year Advertiser will get free Silver Membership worth of Rs. 6,450.
No. of Products / Services For 3 Months For 6 Months One Year
One Products / Services 4,550/- 7,850/- 12,200/-
Two Products / Services 7,600/- 12,800/- 19,900/-
Three Products / Services 9,200/- 16,800/- 27,500/-
GST. 18% Extra

• Only Full Paid Order Accepted.
• All One Year order will get free Silver Membership Worth of 6,450/-.

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